Renault’s F1 engine team is facing major changes, leaving dedicated staff in doubt about their future.

  • Renault has decided to shut down its F1 engine project, despite initial good progress.
  • Team members see this move as a betrayal, given their hard work and dedication.
  • Ex-Alpine boss Bruno Famin shared the difficulty of delivering the news to passionate staff.
  • Despite potential job promises, keeping talented staff remains a big challenge.

Renault’s choice to halt its F1 engine project has shocked many, especially as the team had shown promising results with their aggressive technical approach.

The decision has been labeled a betrayal by the 250-plus staff at Viry, who were deeply dedicated and didn’t see this coming. Karine Dubreucq, a union rep, expressed their shock, saying, “We didn’t see it coming. It’s a stab in the back, a betrayal.”

Bruno Famin, departing Alpine team boss, described the emotional strain of informing the team about the project closure. He emphasized, “It has nothing to do with being an engine guy or not. It has to do with human beings.”

Despite the project’s initial success, the closure means the loss of some of the brightest minds to other engine manufacturers. This includes valuable IP knowledge and skills that may go with them.

Famin hopes to retain these talented individuals by involving them in other projects within Viry, such as Alpine programs and Formula E development. However, passionate individuals may struggle with this shift, as it doesn’t fulfill their F1 dreams.

Renault’s F1 engine project’s closure has left a significant impact on staff, posing a challenge to retain top talent.

Source: Planetf1

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